Why do I have to seal grout?
The main reason to use a tile grout sealer is to prevent your tiles from absorbing moisture. Grout, just like concrete, is porous. If exposed to water, grout will absorb it. If a grout sealer is not placed, then this water can seep under the tiles and lead to a number of complications such as mildew and fungus. A grout sealer is used to hold the grout in place so that your tiles are not susceptible to wear and tear. If your grout is unprotected, it will start chipping away with time and soon your tiles may come loose.
How often to I need to seal grout?
Every 3-5 years. Some areas do not need to be sealed as often as others. For example, showers usually need to be sealed more often because they are used every day with water. A sealant on a tile floor may last longer because the floor doesn’t get the same daily exposure to water that a shower gets. However, sealants can wear off in time with usage and cleanings. If you start noticing that an area is getting harder and harder to clean, the sealant may be wearing off, and the area probably needs to be re-sealed.